Air Team

The Air Team investigates dynamic changes in myocardial oxygenation during breathing maneuvers as a marker of vascular function.

Breathing-induced Myocardial Oxygenation Reserve (BMORE) and Microvascular Function in the General Healthy Population (BMORE-HEALTHY) investigates variations in vascular function, through myocardial oxygenation changes during breathing maneuvers, in the general healthy population due to varied vascular health risk factors and demographic characteristics.
META-MORE uses breathing maneuvers during OS-CMR to assess myocardial oxygenation in Metabolic Syndrome patients, investigating how the burden of metabolic syndrome contributes to microvascular dysfunction, and if different metabolic syndrome characteristics differentially impact the microvasculature.

This study assesses the reproducibility and variation of myocardial oxygenation changes measured by OS-CMR, by performing three consecutive OS-CMR scans, on different MRI scanners, in healthy subjects.
Differentiation of Ischemic vs Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy by OS-CMR (DINO) is an investigation of OS-CMR in its capacity to non-invasively differentiate ischemic vs non-ischemic etiologies of heart failure (HF). DINO aims to further our understanding of ischemic HF pathophysiology and streamline HF management to improve patient prognoses.

BreathinG-induced myocardiaL and cerebral perfusion in Anxiety Disorders (B-GLAD) uses OS-CMR with breathing maneuvers in both the heart and the brain in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, to determine if those patients have a reduced cerebral and/or myocardial oxygenation response when compared to healthy volunteers and if cognitive behavioral therapy improves or reverses this response.

H-MORE investigates the myocardial oxygenation changes assessed by OS-CMR during a 5-minute handgrip exercise in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease. This project aims to gain new insight into the coronary vasomotor responses to the handgrip exercise, for the first time assessed with OS-CMR, and compare the vasomotor responses with that of the breathing maneuver.
SCREEN-MORE investigates the heart rate changes during 1-min hyperventilation followed by maximal voluntary breath-hold. This project aims to examine the potential of breathing-driven HR responses to rule out coronary artery disease in suspected patients in the office setting and improve patient selection for further diagnostic testing.